Week #9 in Thessaloniki

Just a few comments for this week (to be completed)….

Reading (pi = persona interest)

Writing, reviewing and researching

  • I am finishing the book chapter about publishing statistical data in RDF
  • I am managing a Special Issue in the Journal of Computers in Industry, Elsevier
  • I just realized that Labra added me in the Acknowledgements part of his work about “Multilingual Open Data Patterns” I am very proud of that! (to be honest I just collaborated in the first presentation with some links and specially through some comments with regards to SKOS-XL). I also suggest to read the paper in which each of the patterns is explained and discussed with excellent examples.


  • I have had a meeting with my SEERC colleagues to present my prototype and plan next actions in QoS, etc.
  • I have had a meeting with Michalis Vafoupolus to prepare the Linked Data Cup paper.

Coding and Tools

  • I have implemented a real-time based architecture using the Lambda approach and following some hints from Pere Ferrera. It is not the same algorithm and I am just take the approach to tackle the problem not source code. Next steps include to use RDF as views for batch and real-time layers using SPARQL federated queries (for instance Fedex). The example just takes a Twitter stream using Tweet4J API and counts words presenting the results in a HTML page. Documentation is available here and also the the source code (under development).
  • I have linked to the CPV the public procurement notices from UK, USA and AUS.

Other things

Week #8 in Thessaloniki

Just a few comments for this week (to be completed)….

Reading (pi = persona interest)

Writing, reviewing and researching


  • I have had a meeting with my SEERC colleagues to present my prototype and plan next actions in QoS, etc.
  • I have attended a call with the Oviedo Council (planned)

Coding and Tools

  • I have re-implemented my real time word counter of Twitter status using RabbitMQ, Node.js, Storm and Redis (see Demo wiki page).
  • I am going to test the MOA framework (based on Weka) for mining data streams. In this sense I have also found an implementation of MOA in Storm.

Other things

I have Internet connection at home!

Week #3 in Thessaloniki

This week I will be updating this post because I am reading a lot of papers and I need a way to track them. Following the same structure of last weeks I leave some links to the activities I am carrying out:


I have focused on some interesting subjects Statistics (Bayesian networks), Data Streams, Feedback Control Loops, Autonomous Computing and e-Learning systems (this is just for personal interest). I have started, and finished, the next list of papers and books:

Writing and reviewing

I would like to leave the link to an article about “How to review a paper“, an excellent guide to evaluate your reviews and take into account your responsibilities as reviewer.

Coding and Tools

I have not made any relevant progress in developing tasks but I have being refreshing my know-how on R.


I have finished the evaluation of alumni in Health Information Systems and I am very proud of the marks and the work carried out by student during the last months. I have some links of their works building mashups but I prefer do not leave here the links due to privacy issues.

Week #2 in Thessaloniki

Hi all,

This week has elapsed very fast and I have made a lot of things that I leave bellow:


My main concern in the research is how can I address the automatic computation of a lot of sensors (applications, cloud management platforms, etc.), i.e. how can I monitorize resources? and which the variables to be taken into account are. In this sense I have read some papers from my colleagues at SEERC and other authors:

The main outcome of this work has been an small presentation about how to process Big Data applying the Lambda architecture, more specifically adding semantic to this process. It is a just a proposal and first thinkings but I will do my best to debug and design the whole process.


I have made some progresses in the article about the experience publishing the “Webindex” as Linked Data and I have also planned the potential articles for this year and their contents.


Sometimes you feel very motivated to test new tools and frameworks and I am now in this phase:


I have finished the evaluation of Health Information Systems in Nursing and Physiotherapy course at the University of Oviedo. They have developed very good works applying Web 2.0 concepts for building mashups in the Health sector, I am very proud of all students.

Administrative Stuff

Here it is where I spent most of the time (and thanks to my colleague Fotis) but I finally got (almost) all the required documentation:

I believe something is missing but, anyway, it is just a summary…