Emerald Reading List

During June and July, I have participated in the creation of a “Reading List” for the Emerald Publishing Group in collaboration with Prof. Patricia Ordoñez de Pablos. The objective of this task is to create a list of relevant publications for a target journal or topic, in this case the main topic was “Knowledge management and organizational learning in the workplace” and it was an interesting research activity because I could extend my background in these areas reading some papers.

I have to say I consider the creation of a reading list as something very relevant in order to help authors to focus on a journal’s topic or to ease the access to the most adequated references. Besides the methodology followed by Emerald is very professional and they are aware of any change in your selected papers and can help you in any step of the process. Finally, could this practice considered as “crowd-reading-list-assistance”? Yes, it could! “Crowds and Power” is changing the way you perform your work!

With regards to the list, it is available at this link, if you any comment or doubt, please do not hesitate to contact me at anytime,

Enjoy reading!




Following a list of the official degrees:

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Computer Science (with a distinction “cum laude”). Department of Computer Science, University of Oviedo. September 2009-June 2012.
  • Research Work. Doctorate Program 34.1-“Internet computer systems and services”. Computer Science Department at University of Oviedo.  Title: “Interoperability and integration in Service Oriented Architectures using Semantics” Qualification: First Class.
  • Master of Computer Science, University of Oviedo. Thesis: “Ontospread: applying Spreading Activation techniques to ontologies”. Qualification: Proposal for First Class with Distinction. November 2007.
  • Bachelor of Computer Science, University of Oviedo Thesis: “Flex: Fitness Language Extended”. Qualification: First Class. January 2005.

Moreover I have attended other courses in order to complete my education:

  • The Reasoning Web Summer School 2011.
  • Course: “Introduction to electronic DNI (Spanish ID)”. 8h. 2010.
  • Course: “Introduction to digital signature”. 8h. 2010.
  • Course: “Introduction to Services Management”. 1h. 2010.
  • Course: “Law about personal data protection in Spain. LOPD.”. 10h. 2010.
  • Course: “Methodologies and Certifications”. 1h. 2010.
  • Course: “Introduction to software engineering. Lifecyles.”. 2h. 2010.
  • Course: “Introduction to XBRL”. 5h. 2010.
  • Course of “Management of FP7 projects”. 20h. FADE (Asturian Federation of Entrepreneurs). November 2009.
  • Course online of “Leadership and management of human resources”. 150h. CREA institute. March 2009.
  • Course FSE: “Mobile Internet Architecture”. 22h. December 2006.
  • Course of “Computer Science Specialist Reporter”.14h. COIIPA. December 2005.
  • Course Extension of University of Oviedo: “XML, Web Services and Semantic Web”. 45h. March 2004.
  • Course Extension of University of Oviedo: “Building web sites with CSS”. 45h. October 2003.
  • Course Extension of University of Oviedo: “Vector Graphics with Macromedia Flash”. 45h. October 2003.
  • Course: “Advanced Java”. 175h. Fundación Metal Asturias – Avilés. July 2003.