This week I will be updating this post because I am reading a lot of papers and I need a way to track them. Following the same structure of last weeks I leave some links to the activities I am carrying out:
I have focused on some interesting subjects Statistics (Bayesian networks), Data Streams, Feedback Control Loops, Autonomous Computing and e-Learning systems (this is just for personal interest). I have started, and finished, the next list of papers and books:
- Open-Loop Feedback Control of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems Based on Deterministic Dirac Mixture Densities
- Probabilistic framework for opportunistic spectrum management in cognitive ad hoc networks
- Probabilistic Framework for Sensor Management (Book)
- A Probabilistic Approach to Mixed Open-loop and Closed-loop Control, with Application to Extreme Autonomous Driving
- When cloud computing meets with Semantic Web: A new design for e-portfolio systems in the social media era
- Sharing innovative teaching experience in higher education on the Web. An interdisciplinary study on a contextualized Web 2.0 application for community building and teacher training
- Crash Course on Data Stream Algorithms (Slides)
- Data Streams: Models and Algorithsm
- Data Streams: Algorithms and Applications
- Data Streams Algorithms
- A Survey of Graph Algorithms in Extensions to the Streaming Model of Computation
- Big Data versus the Crowd: Looking for Relationships in All the Right Places
- Elementary: Large-scale Knowledge-base Construction via Machine Learning and Statistical Inference
- Hazy: Making it Easier to Build and Maintain Big-data Analytics
- Expert finding systems (some articles from the next Google Search)
- Expertise ranking algorithms (some articles from the next Google Search), these two last activities are just for own-interest.
- Bayesian Networks
- Bayesian networks [1, 2](in Spanish)
- Bayesian networks in R
- Machine Learning & Statistical Learning, R packages
- Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference
Writing and reviewing
- I have started with the structure and firts contents of two papers and one special issue proposal.
- I have also completed a workshop proposal for the 9th ACM International Conference in Cloud and Autonomic Computing.
- I have finished the review of a paper for the Journal Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry (impact factor 4.174)
- I have finished the review of a paper for the International Conference on Marketing – Challenging Environment (ICOM 2013)
- I have also reviewed two papers of our Special Issue (just an initial review)
Coding and Tools
I have not made any relevant progress in developing tasks but I have being refreshing my know-how on R.
- Métodos Estadísticos con R y R Commander (Spanish guide)
- Estadística Básica con R y R–Commander (Spanish basic statistics method)
- R-intro (Spanish version)
- R for Beginners
- Test of Rome Java library (RSS and Atom Utilities for Java)
- Weka (Data mining Java library)
I have finished the evaluation of alumni in Health Information Systems and I am very proud of the marks and the work carried out by student during the last months. I have some links of their works building mashups but I prefer do not leave here the links due to privacy issues.