Week #12 and #13. The MSTC in Prague

Last week I was preparing my presentation for the RELATE-MSTC (Multi Skills Training Camp) in Prague. I was very exciting because it was going to be the first time I was to meet with my colleagues in the RELATE project. Now I can definitely say that the experience is being amazing! We have attended to  talks with different scopes: presentation skills, paralell programming, etc. In the same way we have attended to our own presentations. Each fellow was in charge of presenting their results, research questions and so on to finally keep a discussion with others.  This kind of collaboration meetings are very fruitful and I think I have improved my knowledge about some cloud computing issues. I have also presented my progress in quality of service and I hope to do my best in the next camp. Apart from that we are now attending to the ICPE 2013 conferencia, more specifically to the Hot topics workshop!

Let me leave my presentation  (position) here:

I will continue posting following the previous structure…

Papers to read

Reading on-going:

1st International Congress of Systems Engineering and Computation-Perú

I am really excited with my invitation to be speaker at the 1st International Congress of Systems Engineering and Computation within Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. I was invited by Prof. Dr. Carlos Raymundo through my colleague Prof. Hernán Sagastegui Chigne. I will be the lecturer on Wednesday and Thursday of the next week (7th and 8th of November) and the talk will be about “Researching in Semantic Web Technologies”, you can see the full schedule here.

My intention is to provide a good introduction to the Semantic Web and Linked Data initiatives apart from providing an in-depth review of existing works. I would also like take part of the time to organize a think-tank session in which the audience can collaborate giving opinions about specific open issues and make a discussion to launch some actions such as a hackathon or similar in next weeks but it is just a thought…

Stay tuned!