Following a list of the official degrees:
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Computer Science (with a distinction “cum laude”). Department of Computer Science, University of Oviedo. September 2009-June 2012.
- Research Work. Doctorate Program 34.1-“Internet computer systems and services”. Computer Science Department at University of Oviedo. Title: “Interoperability and integration in Service Oriented Architectures using Semantics” Qualification: First Class.
- Master of Computer Science, University of Oviedo. Thesis: “Ontospread: applying Spreading Activation techniques to ontologies”. Qualification: Proposal for First Class with Distinction. November 2007.
- Bachelor of Computer Science, University of Oviedo Thesis: “Flex: Fitness Language Extended”. Qualification: First Class. January 2005.
Moreover I have attended other courses in order to complete my education:
- The Reasoning Web Summer School 2011.
- Course: “Introduction to electronic DNI (Spanish ID)”. 8h. 2010.
- Course: “Introduction to digital signature”. 8h. 2010.
- Course: “Introduction to Services Management”. 1h. 2010.
- Course: “Law about personal data protection in Spain. LOPD.”. 10h. 2010.
- Course: “Methodologies and Certifications”. 1h. 2010.
- Course: “Introduction to software engineering. Lifecyles.”. 2h. 2010.
- Course: “Introduction to XBRL”. 5h. 2010.
- Course of “Management of FP7 projects”. 20h. FADE (Asturian Federation of Entrepreneurs). November 2009.
- Course online of “Leadership and management of human resources”. 150h. CREA institute. March 2009.
- Course FSE: “Mobile Internet Architecture”. 22h. December 2006.
- Course of “Computer Science Specialist Reporter”.14h. COIIPA. December 2005.
- Course Extension of University of Oviedo: “XML, Web Services and Semantic Web”. 45h. March 2004.
- Course Extension of University of Oviedo: “Building web sites with CSS”. 45h. October 2003.
- Course Extension of University of Oviedo: “Vector Graphics with Macromedia Flash”. 45h. October 2003.
- Course: “Advanced Java”. 175h. Fundación Metal Asturias – Avilés. July 2003.