in Research

After Prague…May!

Hi! after one month and a half some things have happened…I am going to summarize a bit…writing the “Highlights”!

Reading (pi = persona interest)



Coding and Tools

  • I have started to design a taxonomy collecting main KPI from the CSMIC initiative and other existing works to create the Cloudindex. Some initial outcomes can be checked here (it is very similar to my work at the Webindex, however the computation process must be added and the URIs are not yet accesible):
  • …I plan to report this on-going work to the CSMIC initiative!
  • I was also testing the IMPALA tool of Cloudera for real time queries.
  • I would like also to emphasize the excellent work of the Media Lab Team at the University of Athens creating the “” portal. My contribution has been small but I hope to contribute more in the future.


  • During my stay in Spain in the Easter holidays (first week of may) I was invited by Jose Emilio Labra to give some seminars in the Semantic Web Course in the context of the Master of the Web Engineering. I am very grateful for this opportunity and I hope I can repeat. I was presenting part of my PhD and my current research SEERC. I think students were more or less happy with the contents! (My last lecturer had been in January I was a little bit not-trained).
  • Finally I have also collaborated in reviewing and partially supervising a final degree project on sentiment analysis. It has been a great experience!

Other things

In Spain I could meet my family and friends, visit places such as Tazones, go out and, mainly, drink and escanciarSidra Asturiana” and eat in places such as Tierra Astur or Los Lagos…and more things that you should ask me! 🙂