in Research

Week #10 and #11 in Thessaloniki

Hi! I have been a little bit lazy about writing in the blog but it is now time of recovering good practices. I am going to summarize my tasks during the last two weeks,

Reading (pi = persona interest)

Writing, reviewing and researching

  • I am managing a Special Issue in the Journal of Computers in Industry, Elsevier.
  • I finished the review of a book for Manning Publications.
  • I have been included as Technical Development Editor in Manning Publications.
  • I have been included as PC member in the workshop proposal “Data Mining on Linked Data (DMoLD’13) workshop with Linked Data Mining Challenge”  thanks to my colleagues at the University of Economics in Prague.
  • I am reviewing a paper for the journal “Expert Systems with Applications” (IF: 2.203)
  • I am reviewing and finishing the paper with my colleague Alejandro Montes about his final Master Project.


  • I have had a meeting with my SEERC colleagues to talk about next actions.
  • I have had a meeting with Michalis Vafoupolus to prepare the Linked Data Cup paper.
  • I have had two meetings with Lum about his Bachelor Degree Project. It is a kind of supervising to address the problem of sentiment analysis using Rapidminer, Lingpipe, Alchemy API and a custom solution.

Coding and Tools

  • I have made in my leisure time a tool for unifying company names called CORFU using Python, NLTK and the APIs of Google Places, Linkedin and Google Suggestions. It also includes other algorithms based on string similarity, etc.
  • I have developed a simple sentiment analyzer using Alchemy API.
  • I have adapted some examples of Map Reduce patterns

Other things

  • I continue my fight to learn Greek…I have to study a bit more!
This is all I can remember…perhaps I am missing something…!