in Research

Cloud Computing and Semantics

Last weeks I have reviewed some of the existing works trying to mix semantics and cloud computing to improve some of the key-processes in a cloud environment. QoS and resource provisioning are two of the main processes that are supposed to take advantage of an intelligent decision support systems to dynamically  adapt client requirements to cloud resources. According to the different types of cloud (SaaS, PaaS and IaaS) the use of formal models and knowledge bases can help to take decisions in different ways: prediction of resources, adjustment of “pay-as-go”, etc. Among other works I would like to leave here a list of relevant papers, etc. that I consider essential to understand the underlying problems, technology, current efforts and approaches to tackle them.

I will continue updating this post and the references but I think it is a good starting point to check all related works in this area. Moreover I had collected some papers related to Map/Reduce, SPARQL and more in the ROCAS project wiki.
