in Research

Interview about the Webindex

Last Tuesday I was interviewed by RPA about the participation of the WESO Research Group in this project. It was my first apparition in the radio and I believe the result was pretty good. You can listen the audio here. Moreover our head Labra was interviewed in other media such as newspaper and other radios and these contents can be accesed via the official communication portal at the University of Oviedo.

On the other hand and following with the Webindex it is my intention to provide data and methods to calculate values using R. I think this is a real way to open and encourage the reutilization of data, at least in statistics.

Finally, I am also involved in my distributed reasoner and preparing some proposals to mix computational linguistics, computational social choice theory, etc. I will update the blog with my outcomes. I also started this week to teach “Software Design” with my colleagues Benjamín López, César Acebal and Raúl Izquierdo, I am very excited with this topic because I love design patterns, software architectures, etc. I hope to do my best!

Keep in touch!