in Projects

Research projects

Due to my activities as computer science researcher I am (was) involved in several research projects of the main research programmes at regional, national and European scope. Following a list of the most relevant projects is presented:

European scope

  1. AHTools(Arrowhead Tools for Engineering of Digitalisation Solutions). H2020-ECSEL (Grant Agreement No 826452). 2019-2022. Main Researcher: Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez. See Press release.
  2. NewControl (Integrated, Fail-Operational, Cognitive Perception, Planning and Control Systems for Highly Automated Vehicles). H2020-ECSEL (selected). 2019-2022. Main Researcher: Anabel Fraga. See Press release.
  3. Internet of DevOps. Celtic+. 2018-2021. Main Researcher: Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez.
  4. IMOLA II-Interoperability using knowledge management among land registry domain in Europe. JUST AG-2016-05 / GRANT AGREEMENT Nº 764350. Main Researcher:  Dra. Anabel Fraga.
  5. Cross-Nature: Cross Harmonization & Exploitation of NATURE DataSets. INEA/CEF/ICT/A2016/1297261. 2017-2019. Main Researcher: Javier García Guzmán.
  6. AMASS (Architecture-driven, Multi-concern and Seamless Assurance and Certification of Cyber-Physical Systems). H2020-ECSEL. 2016-2019. Main Researcher: Dr. Jose Luis de la Vara
  7. CRitical sYSTem engineering AcceLeration (CRYSTAL). ARTEMIS Call 2012. 2013-2016. Main Researcher:  Dra. Anabel Fraga
  8. Trans-European Research Training Network on Engineering and Provisioning of Service-Based Cloud Applications. FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network “RELATE”. 7º Framework Programme. 2013-2015.
  9. Multilingual Web Thematic Network. 7º Framework Programme. ICT PSP n.º 250500. Researcher. 2011. Coordinator: W3C.
  10. ONTORULE-ONTOlogies meet business RULEs. 7º Framework Programme. FP7-ICT-2007.4.4, ref. 231875. Leader of workpackage 7: “Dissemination and Training” . 2009-2011. Main Researcher: IBM France.
  11. Others: Celtic+ MyMobileWeb.

National scope

  1. ENERSI-Plataforma Servicios Energéticos A Partir De Datos De Múltiples Fuentes Integrados. Spanish Ministry of  Economy and Industry.  2014-2017. Main Researcher: Prof. Dr. Juan Miguel Gómez Berbís
  2. ROCAS: Reasoning On the Cloud Applying Semantics. Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. TIN2011-27871. 2012. Main Researcher: Dr. José Emilio Labra (University of Oviedo).
  3. 10ders Information Services. Plan Avanza 2. Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce. TSI-020100-2010-919. 2011. Main Researcher: Gateway S.C.S.
  4. ORIGIN: ORganizaciones Inteligentes Globales INnovadoras. Centre for Industrial Technological Development. 2010-2012. Main Researcher: Indra Software Labs.
  5. Spanish Thematic Network of Linked Data. Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. TIN2010-10811-E. 2011. Coordinator: Dr. Óscar Corcho (UPM).
  6. PRIMA: Plataforma de Recursos de Información y Movilidad para el sector Asegurador. Plan Avanza I+D. Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce. TSI-020302-2008-032. 2008-2010. Main Researcher: Telefónica R&D.
  7. VULCANO. Plan Avanza I+D. Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce. 350503-2007-7. 2007-2009. Main Researcher: ATOS Origin.
  8. MORFEO-EzWeb. Plan Avanza I+D. Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce. TSI-340503-2007-02. 2007-2009. Main Researcher: Telefónica R&D.
  9. MyMobileWeb (CELTIC project). Plan Avanza I+D. Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce. TSI-020301-2008-25. 2007-2009. Main Researcher: Telefónica R&D.
  10. MORFEO-MyMobileWeb (CELTIC project). Plan Avanza I+D. Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce. TSI-350400-2006-20. 2006-2007. Main Researcher: Telefónica R&D.

Regional scope

  1. ORBITA (New Approaches to Linked Data Visualization). Regional Plan of Science, Technology and Innovation, Asturias 2006-2009. 2012-2013. Main Researcher: Treelogic S.L.
  2. RETINAS (REal TIme video ANalysis for Security applications). Regional Plan of Science, Technology and Innovation, Asturias 2006-2009. 2011-2013. Main Researcher: Treelogic S.L.
  3. SAITA. Regional Plan of Science, Technology and Innovation, Asturias 2006-2009. cod. 208001. 2008-2009. Main Researcher: Felguera TI.
  4. PRAVIA: Plataforma de Recursos de Acceso Virtual a la Información del Sector Asegurador. Regional Plan of Science, Technology and Innovation, Asturias 2006-2009. cod. IE05-172. 2007. Main Researcher: E2000 Nuevas Tecnologías.
  5. BOPA. Principado de Asturias, Estrategia e-Asturias 2007. cod. 06-096. 2005-2006. Main Researcher: Fundación CTIC.

Others: private contracts, research agreements, etc.

  1. Social Media Radar. RTVE. 2017-2018. Main Researcher: Dra. Anabel Fraga.
  2. “Functional Analysis of a stock management system”. Felguera TI. 2017. Main Researcher: Dr. Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez
  3. P2PMONEY. Plataforma para el intercambio de divisas basado en modelo de transformación digital . Vector Software SL. 2017-2019. Main Researcher: Prof. Dr. Juan Miguel Gómez Berbís.
  4. Diseño y desarrollo de motor semántico. FUNDACIÓN PARA LA INVESTIGACIÓN BIOMÉDICA DEL HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO RAMÓN Y CAJAL. 2016-2018. Main Researcher: Prof. Dr. Juan Llorens.
  5. Research Agreement  (“Cátedra de Investigación”) between RTVE and UC3M to boost research in the field of Big Data, Linked Data, Complex network analysis, Natural Language Processing, etc. applied to social network analysis. (October 2015-now). Main Researcher: Prof. Dr. Juan Llorens
  6. Research Agreement (“Cátedra de Investigación”) between TRC and UC3M to boost research in the field of systems engineering and interoperability. (January 2017-now). Main Researcher:  Dra. Anabel Fraga
  7. Magnus: Big data como soporte a la toma de decisiones legales. Tirant LoBlanch SL. 2015-2016. Main Researcher:  Prof. Dr. Juan Llorens
  8. The Webindex project. Publishing statistical data following the Linked Open Data Principles. 2012.
  9. Freews. On-line platform for distributing, sharing and searching video news applying semantic technologies. 2012. Main Researcher: José Emilio Labra Gayo.
  10. Linked Data Portal of the Library of Congress of Chile. 2012. Main Researcher: José Emilio Labra Gayo.


  1. “ONE-MINUTE QUIZZ: retroalimentación continua y en tiempo real de conceptos básicos de ingeniería del
    software mediante cuestionarios sencillo.” UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID. 2017. Main Researcher: Prof. Dr. Gonzalo Génova Fuster.
  2. Metodología Lego® SeriousPlay® para mejorar la participación y consolidar el aprendizaje de conceptos.”. UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID. 2016. Main Researcher: Prof. Dr. Maribel Sánchez-Segura.
  3. Assessing the educational quality by means of processing surveys applying an automatic psychological evaluation system. UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID-2012 UEM 19.  Main Researcher: Agustín Martínez Molina. 2013.