in Experience


Dr. Jose María Alvarez Rodríguez is Master of Computer Science (2007) and Bachelor of Computer Science (2005) by the University of Oviedo. In June 2008 he was rewarded with the “Best Final Degree Project in Computer Science” by the Official Association of Computer Engineers of Asturias (Spain) thanks to this project “Activation of concepts in ontologies through the Spreading Activation Technique”. From 2005 to 2010 he worked at the R&D Department in the Semantic Technologies area within CTIC Foundation, more specifically he has worked in projects related to semantic web services, rule based systems, cloud computing, search systems, linked data, etc. He has also participated in more than 30 research projects in different competitive programmes, At the same time he held a position as part-time Assistant Professor from 2008 to 2012 at the Department of Computer Science within the University of Oviedo. He also worked in the WESO Research Group (University of Oviedo) and holds a PhD about e-Procurement and linked data: MOLDEAS-“Methods On Linked Data for E-procurement Applying Semantics” supervised by the Prof. Dr. José Emilio Labra Gayo. He is the author of more than 60 publications and other research works in the main international venues and impact factor journals in which he also participates as reviewer, editorial board member and guest editor, e.g. Journal of Computers in Industry. In 2012, he was also rewarded with a HPC2-Europe Transnational Access Programme grant at SARA (Netherlands), hosted by the ISLA research group leaded by Prof. Marteen De Rijke at the University of Amsterdam. From January to August 2013 he held a position as Marie Curie Research Fellow (Experienced Researcher) at SEERC (Thessaloniki, Greece) within the RELATE-ITN FP7 project researching in “Quality Management in Service-based Systems and Cloud Applications“. Currently, he is Associate Professor within the Deparment of Computer Science at the Carlos III University of Madrid. In the meantime he is part of the research group “Knowledge Reuse” (at the same University) leaded by Prof. Dr. Juan Lllorens.